Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thing #8 - RSS Feeds

I've known about RSS feeds for a long time, but I've never used one before.

It is a lot more helpful than I thought it would be. Though to be honest, I don't follow many different websites - perhaps 2 or 3. And the one I visit the most often - mentalfloss - didn't really work right on Bloglines. I think that since I'm a huge Google user, I'd be more interested in using Google Reader. (Perhaps a choice of RSS readers to use instead of specifically Bloglines would be more beneficial to explore this Thing - especially since the internet moves so quickly and Bloglines is now not the preferred RSS feed reader anymore 2 years later.)

I did want to share my Bloglines feed. Here is the link.

I would like to further investigate the Google Reader service as this is one I would actually use on a day to day basis. The Bloglines is more cumbersome for me as that is another username and password to remember out of the hundreds for all the sites that require them that I use.

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