Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thing #21 - Locating Podcasts

Argh! I have discovered another place where the links are dead or incorrect on the 23 Things website. Podcast.net didn't work. Neither did Yahoo! Podcasts.

Luckily, Podcastalley is still working.

I'm kind of wanting to smack my head on surfaces at this point. Even in Podcast alley, I was bumping into old and out of date links. Rrrrrr.... I suppose these are just more examples of how Web 2.0 works. It's mostly user driven, and so somethings are not going to be kept up.

I was able to find something interesting to add to my bloglines feed. Open Stacks was very interesting and enjoyable. The podcasts were on the side of his blog and opened in different windows.

I'm not sure this is what we're supposed to be looking for. Perhaps I should try again...

Okay, once I started looking outside the "Library" arena, I found many podcasts to subscribe to.

The one thing that I noticed is that the humor podcasts are all...crass. I find that in my "old age" I want things that are funny by being witty, not by making fun of others or referencing anatomy or using vulgar language. I'm sure that this isn't something the library itself could break into, but it seems to be a void in the world of humor - especially in podcasting.

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