Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thing #2

I love that there are seven and a half habits. I love the fractions when applied to things you wouldn't normally associate fractions with. (Though Naked Gun 2 1/2 wasn't as good as I would have hoped.)

So, let's get down to the 7 habits...
1. Begin with the end in mind.
2. Accept responsibility for your own learning.
3. View problems as challenges.
4. Have confidence in yourself as a competant, effective learner.
5. Create your own learning toolbox.
6. Use technology to your advantage.
7. Teach and mentor others.
7.5. Play!

I'm really great at making goals, and even better at never reaching I would say that that first habit is the easiest and hardest for me. It's the staying power that fails me. I've been working hard on changing that.

These are all sound habits, and most of them I have (especially the habit of playing). Now, I just need to polish them up and have them ready for company at all times to be a more effective learner.

Sadly, I could not open the Learning Contract attachment. :( I will just have to make one here.

I would like to do 23 Things in order to have an even deeper understanding of the technological world around me. To do that, I will follow the links found here and try to enjoy doing them, and find the positive to everything I work on. I will also try to be open-minded and not assume that I know something just because I've worked with it before. There is always something new to learn - will be my mantra. If I have trouble, I will ask for help from the people around me, and not be worried about not being a world-class know-it-all. And I will make sure that I keep my flash drive with me at all times when I am learning in order to save my progress on my Tracking Log.

I liked the thought that we spend so much of our time signing our lives away to everyone but ourselves. I will try to remember to sign to myself sometimes by following my Learning Contract.

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