Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thing #23 - Summarize Your Thoughts

Wow. I'm done already? I want to keep exploring. And exploring is oh-so-much easier if someone gives you a map. ;)

I am surprised to discover that I do like RSS feeds. I have set one up through Google Reader. I'm still trying to figure it out.

It was rather cool to be able to more fully investigate some of these sites that I've heard about but never really gone to. I'm very interested in continuing to explore the Web 2.0 awards page to find new exciting things. I definitely am the most excited about discovering Pandora.

I couldn't help but feel frustrated about the dead links that I encountered. Also, my experience with Thing #17 - playing in the sandbox was just upsetting. I'll keep a look out for a response to my request for authorization to join the sandbox, but I'm not too optimistic at this time. It's too bad that one whole Thing just doesn't work. Perhaps a new Thing could be substituted.

What would be great would be if this training opportunity would change every few years. Web 2.0 is mercurial and by definition will change constantly. So, if you took the course 2 or 3 years ago, you could take it again and have an entirely different experience. The static-ness of the blog page that hosts this training doesn't really go with the medium it's trying to teach.

Or, if changing 23 Things itself isn't doable, than perhaps 23 More Things (or some other number, say...10 or 15) would be interesting. We didn't delve much into social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace. I'm sure there will be even more popping up.

Not only that, but we didn't look at dating websites - which are a part of Web 2.0. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not suggesting we all go out there and pretend to be daters on these sites. However, in the library we do have quite a few customers who come in specifically to do online dating. I see Librarians looking down their nose at this all the time, but I believe that if it were one of the Things, it would help to educate Librarians about what goes on and how people meet, and what information a dater will put out there. Also, when someone comes to us with a problem, we might be able to help them instead of send them away upset and disappointed.

I would completely and totally participate in another venture such as this. I enjoyed my time with the 23 Things, and I enjoyed learning new things on the computer! What would be even more fun would be to include a little HTML (there are simple websites for that).

A description of my learning experience: What a fun way to learn about the emerging electronic world around us!


  1. I have to post a comment on someone's blog for Thing 7 and since I recognized your name I thought I would visit your blog. Congratulations on completing 23 Things! I may look at other people's blogs to see how they posted the exercises but we will see. 23 Things as you have noted is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Web 2.0 but at least some of us will know what it means now and potentially at the right time, we can pass on this knowledge and its application to a library customer, family member or friend. There is a 46 Things out there but whether that training will be approved I do not know. Don't we have a fun job! :) Paid to explore the world at our fingertips because who knows whose lives we will impact with our ability to share knowledge.

  2. Definitely. I think that this training was a good idea! ^_^
